Pontos Society of the Capital Region
"O Xeniteas"
Established September 1, 1941
The Pontian Greeks are descendants of the Hellenic people who colonized the Pontus — the northeast region of Asia Minor on the Black Sea (in modern day Turkey) — in the 8th Century BC. They prospered in this area and established trade routes, developed mining industries, and produced scholars and leaders. The Greek Orthodox civilization of Pontus came to an end in 1923 when the Greeks of Asia Minor were forcibly removed from their homeland in the aftermath of the genocide. Today, the descendants of our founding members strive to keep the customs and traditions of their forefathers alive and to ensure that the atrocities suffered by the Pontian people are never forgotten.
President: Arthur Pakatar
Vice-President: Ted Moisides
Recording Secretary: Elena Purritano
Corresponding Secretary: Elizabeth Thomas
Treasurer: Ed Nicholas
Address correspondence to:
Arthur Pakatar
Online Chapel
Righteous Euthymius the Great
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Righteous Euthymius the Great; John the Hieromartyr; Zacharias the New Martyr of Patra
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.